The Real + True Podcast
The Catechism is not a textbook, a collection of ideas, or a set of rules. It is the faithful echo of a God who wishes to reveal himself to us and desires us to respond. Our mission is to pass down and pass along the gift of our faith by creating beautiful, captivating, and relevant content inspired by the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And we are making this content in multiple languages and accessible for free to people all over the world. The Real+True Podcast is part of Real+True, a global initiative of Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) under the patronage of the Holy See. Visit realtrue.org for more information, including videos and other materials to learn more about the Catechism on your own or with your parish.
The Real + True Podcast
S1E13 - Unit 12: Jesus died to destroy death and rose to restore life until he comes again
Show Notes: (00:11) Your hosts Emily and Edmund welcome you to the Unit 12 podcast. This unit’s theme is: Jesus died to destroy death and rose to restore life until he comes again. These videos cover Catechism paragraphs: https://www.catholiccrossreference.online/catechism/#!/search/988-1065 (988-1065). Proclamation video: How to die well. Explanation video: What happens after we die? Connection video: Why Catholics believe in “life everlasting”(02:40) The Proclamation video is highlighted. Edmund and Emily discuss how to have a healthy relationship with death, which is the Christian approach. Some people avoid the topic altogether, while others can become obsessed or preoccupied. But our faith informs how we can die well, which means that we’ve lived well. Emily highlights the Hail Mary prayer that ends, “pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” (10:38) Stand out Catechism paragraph: Edmund’s favorite passage was CCC https://www.catholiccrossreference.online/catechism/#!/search/1018 (1018) “As a consequence of original sin, man must suffer "bodily death, from which man would have been immune had he not sinned.” Edmund liked this passage because it helped him see that Christ freely chose to die for us. Emily chose: CCC 1039 “In the presence of Christ, who is Truth itself, the truth of each man's relationship with God will be laid bare. The Last Judgment will reveal even to its furthest consequences the good each person has done or failed to do during his earthly life.” This section caught her eye because it brings to light the right vision for how we view our death. (19:09) Explanation video: Our hosts marvel at the unbelievable reality that our bodies will be resurrected at the end of time, both the just and the unjust alike. Emily makes the point that “Jesus’ resurrected body gives us hope, that the things that he said will come true.” Edmund points out that Jesus appeared many times in his resurrected body, and the accounts are credible and logical to believe in. (25:27) Connection: Edmund shares that our belief about the resurrection of our bodies should change how we treat our bodies now. “What is the truth that Jesus came to reveal to us about our bodies? It is through our bodies that we are called to experience communion with others, and with God.” (31:47) Recapping Pillar I of Real+True. Our hosts reflect on the past year, and the 13 units Real+True has published so far. Emily shares that she hopes the Real+True audience grows to appreciate how the Catechism is a living voice for the Church.
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