The Real + True Podcast

S1E11 - Unit 10: Who makes up the Church?

July 30, 2022 Real + True

Join Emily and Edmund as they dive into the gift of our heavenly friends, the saints. In this unit, Real+True explores the power of role models, and the communion of saints. Our hosts explains who the saints are, how we can have a relationship with them, and what role they can play in our lives. Watch out for news about Real+True presenting at the Vatican this fall.(00:08) Your hosts Emily and Edmund welcome you to the Unit 10 podcast. This unit’s theme is The Church is a communion of God’s family. This section of the Catechism highlights how connected we are to each other in the Church. This unit covers CCC!/search/946-962%20 (946-962). Emily shares the video titles: Proclamation: Who are the best role models? Explanation: What is the 'communion of saints'? Connection: Two things to know about the communion of saints. (05:03)  Proclamation video: Emily talks about the guest for the Proclamation video, who says in the video, “I encourage my students to have role models because as a teacher, I try to provide both windows and mirrors for students to help in their development. So for example, students need “mirrors.” They discuss the power of witnesses and how they’ve been personally impacted by role models. (12:28) Stand Out Catechism Paragraph: Emily’s standout paragraph of the Catechism for this section is, “We believe in the communion of all the faithful of Christ, those who are pilgrims on earth, the dead who are being purified, and the blessed in heaven, all together forming one Church; and we believe that in this communion, the merciful love of God and his saints is always [attentive] to our prayers” This reminded Emily that there are holy people that she can ask for intercession, people who might not have been officially canonized yet. Edmund’s paragraph is CCC959 “In the one family of God. "For if we continue to love one another and to join in praising the Most Holy Trinity — all of us who are sons of God and form one family in Christ — we will be faithful to the deepest vocation of the Church." He was moved by this because it brought his made to the question, “what is church?” (19:02) Explanation video: Emily comments on learning a lot through creating this video. Edmund shares that we are not alone as we struggle and suffer. We can win grace for each other. But also, have the ability to hurt each other in our sin. This connectedness is radical. “How would this belief change the way we interact and encounter each other?” (25:05) Connection video: Mother Teresa! Austin Weigel's story is highlighted and displays the rippling effects of holiness. Edmund says that we share in the virtues of one another. Emily tells us that the story of the saints are powerful to share with those we’re sharing the faith with, or who are suffering. Edmund has been inspired by St. Francis of Assisi. Emily has felt moved by St. Paul, and St. Augustine. Emily shares an exciting update that some of the Real+True team is traveling to Rome in September for the International Congress for Catechesis. They will present some of the Real+True content to the Congress at the Vatican.

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